IT’S MAYHEM, IT’S CHAOS, IT’S PANDAMONIUM – ‘Pandamonium’ by Pandas Review

“Pandas are a band destined for big things” – This Is The Music

On the 29th of April Pandas who are a four piece from Glasgow released an EP called ‘Pandamonium’. The Glasgow-based band are driven by a burning passion for creating honest music, with strong influences spanning various genres, including Foals, Lauryn Hill and The Night Café.

For Pandas, it’s all about the music. There is an intimate connection between the song writing and narrative that brings together the things we love when listening to good music.

Also united in their effort to advocate for equality in music, the indie outfits hope to provide a safe space for those listening, as they have found themselves in the music they love.

The “PANDAMONIUM” EP is an extension of Pandas soulful and chaotic yet gentle nature. The album showcases five tracks, four of which all written by different members of the band, and the melting pot of different creative influences results in a mesmerising explosion of equitize melodies, passion-fuelled instrumentation and honest lyricism. “PANDAMONIUM” sees Pandas take their biggest steps in the industry so far, working with producer Scott Thomson at Eggman Studios in Glasgow to record and mix the record, and renowned mastering engineer Tom Woodhead.

Pandas are Ellis Hurley, Hugh MacDonald, Oran McBride and Roan McBeath.

Track one on the EP is ‘Pandamonium’. This track opens with the rustic sound of a radio tuning in and out, as the host’s voice drifts out repeating “Pandamonium / Pandamonium / Pandamonium.” Then we hear a big prominent riff taking centre stage, shortly joined by the rest of the instruments creating a sound amazingly groovy, funky and fun. Jammin left, right and centre.

It is of great importance to state how electric and forceful that riff is running through this track. I bet it’s a pleasure to play, but god it’s a pleasure to hear.

Another incredibly funky part of this track is the section where the bass keeps taking the track down lower and lower. Each sound its creating grumbling, rumbling but with absolute precision.

We get a slight snippet of the vocals in this track singing ‘Pandamonium’; just enough to keep listeners wanting more.

Next up, and my personal favourite, ‘Foolish’.

‘Foolish’ starts with the crashing beat of the drums alongside a forceful guitar that turns to centre stage as it seamlessly moves into a funky riff. This consistent riff is present intertwining around the other instruments driving the sound through the roof.

In this track we finally get to hear more of those vocals that teased us in track one. At first I wasn’t sure how much power these vocals could hold but as the track goes on, the vocalist reveals his true potential and shows off some brilliant vocal ranges.

These vocals are grainy and deep but so satisfying. I can hear an underlying strength behind them building stronger and then all of this is put into practice in the chorus.

The chorus is catchy and definitely embodies everything that makes a crowd go wild. This one will definitely be something special to play live. Again, and seamlessly, as the chorus is coming to a close, the vocalists singing “You’re the best thing / By / My / Side.” is transformed perfectly into that consistently, sublime guitar riff.

As the instrumental strips back to basics, Pandas present these focalised vocals that melt like butter in listener’s ears. Shortly after launching back into the energy Pandas embodied just seconds before.

I really cannot believe a band at such an early stage of their journey in the music industry could create a track like this. It absolutely beams talent, confidence and utter, sheer potential.

Surely not, surely there can’t be anymore songs on this EP that are THIS good from an upcoming band, and then we get ‘Mischief’.

The intro is fixated around the rattling and hissing of the slight touch of the drums creating a sound that can only associated with Mani of The Stone Roses. Alongside these drums is a Midwestern styled riff executed with precision.

As the track moves forward, a short guitar riff taking centre stage like a solo is introduced and leads us into verse one.

Hey! There’s actually a big pattern in this EP, as we move track to track the vocals just get better. Not just better, but they become distinctive and these groovy, stylish vocals compliment the instrumental in the most fitting way.

‘Mischief’ is a song that embodies the same mischief it is titled after. It’s fun, it’s strong and it’s so chic. The layering and mixture of sections gives this one a certain edge, and the jamming of instruments can be easily transferred into the live shows.

Slowing things down a little, we move into ‘Hot Rod’ and the sound oozes seduction.

If you want it / If you need it / Baby / You can have it.” These lyrics in themselves are alluring but the way they’re sang in this sultry manner makes the song so desirable.

This one is definitely the most stripped back and chilled out of the EP but you still can’t help but be enthralled into this one. The vocalist also pushes his ranges to different limits and it plays out superbly.

Throughout this song we also hear the strong presence of a riff never faltering shining around the sound completely contented.

Unfortunately, we reach the final track of this EP which is ‘80s Film Therapy’. A steady instrumental kicks off this track, moving into a slow but heavy jam.

The beat of the drums is so consistent and as it increases you can feel the force building. Mixing between beating and a marching sound driving us to the chorus.

Stand by me / And buckle up / We’ll get together like The Breakfast Club.” These lyrics; yes, yes, yes.

This song is like an 80s indie dream that is so hard not to get lost in but a present screeching riff in the background reminds us just where we are.

What an amazing band! I really am so happy I have discovered Pandas and I see so much potential for the future for them. Links to their socials below.

Star Rating –

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