Wonderland by LONA – Single Review

On May the 1st, Scouse band LONA released their latest single ‘Wonderland’ and it’s definitely the light at the end of the tunnel in these dark and uncertain times.

This latest single by LONA bursts straight into action with powerful, sublime vocals belting out ‘We’re livin’ in a Wonderland’ instantly joined by an electric guitar riff which is driven throughout the track. It makes a smooth and quite frankly impeccable transition into the first verse from here but yet still manages to keep up the same tempo, giving this track a feeling of almost rejoicing the songs setting.

‘Wonderland’ is very different to the others the band have previously produced but through the lyrics you can really feel some sort of uprising of your spirit and I think the band have created something so special with this one and it’s positive message shines through. Speaking about their latest track, the band described how even in these “lonely and scary” times it’s important to remember “how amazing us humans can be”.

LONA also paid there respects to the people working during this crisis “There are people on the front line risking their lives to save others…amongst the chaos there are beautiful moments”.

This track has definitely lifted me out of a rut during this lockdown period and I hope other people find some comfort in it too. Again, this how has reminded me how powerful music can be.

Keep safe and sane everyone!

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